Friday, March 11, 2011


The Federal National Labor Relations Act prohibits employers from punishing employees, whether or not they are members of a union, for talking about workplace conditions or forming a union. The idea, as they mentioned in the text, was to ease communication among workers in order for them to decide if they would belong to a union or not. I am sure they did not consider that a paramedic would be calling her employer genital parts on a public network. I am sorry to go against most of you, however, for me it is a question of “bon sens”. An employee that is intelligent and has done nothing wrong, even if she hates her employer deeply in her “gut”, will not have the stupidity to go public (to her friends on a network where she will be exposed to millions of eyes) and diminish herself by saying those things. The intelligent and good employee will give him or herself other choices, as soon as possible. In an idealized world, employers might never go into facebook and people might never tell an employer that his or her employee is on facebook calling them and their system names. The networking has become so vast that, whatever you say on your facebook wall, someone is bound to recognize you and link your words to your environment (at work or private). People become completely exposed and there is a price to pay. Laws should be adapted; boundaries should be set for specific situations. In the case of Ms. Souza, I do believe that due to her reprehensible past attitude at work and her previous record of “several incidents of rude behavior”, she had nothing to loose.  In my opinion, there are more decent ways of “sharing”, if you are an employee. As an employer,  I would not have kept an employee that behaves that way against someone in the company she is being paid by.